Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Really appreciate?? Wuo Pui!!! hey Emily, if u REALLY FEEL APPRECIATE, would have fall into my plan n be a happy women liao.. Wat did i get in return? a blame? Fine, if tat wat u feel.. Dun tok to u mean i angry with u?? tat is NT the way to express anger ok?? Pls, u tok to me, i still have some fan ying to u, although nt in words.

I take u for granted on wat?? Oh, i did so many things for u liao so i wish something back from u ar? Again, Wuo Pui!!! A small planning like this is to just give u something special. Did i ask u to return the money for tat cake? Nope.. did i agree tat u wan to pay for my fee if i going to PC bunk? Nope.. Did i ever nt shown up for revision even if u there? Nope..

IF I AM ANGRY, I WILL SAY TO U, OIE.. "the cake cost 28 bucks, wat a waste of my money since u nv cum", AND "u say u wan to pay for my fee de ar.. gd gd", ALSO "u coming for revision ar?? I can't remember stuff wen i see yr face.." did i said tat out?? I can be very mean IF someone force me to be mean.. Hope emily u reading this can understand y i dun tok tat much..

Friends who reading this, now u know y i so fan these few days.. so is nt about relationship, but is due to my polymate. Let end this fast with a short blogging.. My back of the head start to bleed for no reason.. dunno wat happen also, asked my mum to check it out, say layer of my skin ontop start to dry out, must start protect le.. Oh, thanks to joe PC, i was able to lvl up my audition character. Damn smooth, just like PC Bunk PC.. man, how cum all my friends PC r so great?? lol