Sunday, November 12, 2006


Ops, yesterday drift meet i stepped on one of the drifters shell... lucky the chassis is ok n shell is ok too... phew.. man, i should be more careful next time.. I guess i kept my long hair for too long, all the drifters suddenly dunno me sia.. All gave a strange look wen they arrived.

Term test is 2moro, been reading the "SHE" note all day.. SHE = Safety, Health, Env management!!! read read until i wan to sleep liao, den went in play audition to relax abit, play play play until i wan to sleep too.. heng heng played my favourite song let my eyes opened wider abit so can contiune revise..

Damn, wan to work so badly cause need money to buy PC parts.. i saw it online just now, cheap cheap.. RC stuff can wait a while cause the stock haven reach yet, i can put aside on tat first, hehe...