Saturday, May 06, 2006


So surprise to receive my Japanese pen-pal Yuka sensei letter yesterday, hehe.. I thought was my aunt who send me, but ones I saw the name, is not.. haha anyway, Yuka sensei, miteru? tegami o arimasushita. Doomo arigatougozaimasu. anata no eigo o sugoii desu ne, hehe ^^ Daijoubu desu yo sensei, watashi wa nihongo no benkyo o gambarimasu!!!

Went to orchard plaza yesterday to buy a better charger n a discharger for my R/C car. Now with this better charger, I am able to charge a 3300mAh in just 90mins!!! not the old charger, 23 hours!!! such a huge different!!! lol.. About the discharger, i dun say too much cause it hard to explain by word, drawing will be better (Like those famous ppl said, a picture represent a thousand words.. gd ar?? lol)

Final year project had start, just finish my grant chart n some designs.. hopefully my secondary school will give me their full support as i will be going there for discussion..