Monday, April 10, 2006


Haha, today is so funny in the site. First i told the project manager tat this week will be the last week for me to work here le, den he reply

PM : "huh? so fast ar? wen wen u cum to this site??"
(After looking at the attandance page)
PM : "Oh, so fast 5 weeks le ar, wa... fast man.."
(After sign the week 5 progress)
PM : "so wat grade u wan? I write for u"
(i turn around reply)
Billy : "cannot i ask for the grade the lar, i am not allow to give"
(PM laugh)
PM : "nvm lar, u just say wat u wan for yr grade, i write inside. U go ask yr friends wat their PMs write for their grade. Excellent enough?"
Billy : "really cannot, u give me a overall grade from wat i done for the past 6 weeks lor"
(A sub-con worker come in)

Den i walk out le.. haha.. First i thought this PM was like a godrilla, cause wen any sub-con dun do wat is told to do, he will like wan to eat tat person, lol.. Actually he help the company earn about SD$35,000 on rebuilding boon lay primary school, so boss i think, sms him to give him rewards..