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Haha, boss, benz and des cum my house to play mahjong.. Although nv win, lose quite a bit, still having a lot of fun playing with them.. hehe..
Ar, today working like hell, tons of stocks to do n helping out the shop all the way.. kao, very tired.. but after work still go to play arcade.. hehe..
Just now played PS2 until siao.. damn nice.. dun wan to sleep, eventhough 2moro I work from 2pm to 10pm.. Yesterday went to meet li bing's bf, javier to collect the spoil game from him.. Haiyo, say dun treat me drink le still treat me.. Na ta mei ban fa.. lol.. But I still need to say sorry to him cause we went to the arcade, den spend about an hours or so there.. Knowing he having exam next week, still wasting his time following me around, feel quite bad sia.. ^^'''
Yesterday did cashier, wasn't tat much ppl thought.. dun really have so much long Q after all.. guess ppl brought all their stuff these few days le ba.. Today is cut-off day, earn about quite a gd figure sum of money.. think can buy PSP le.. hehe.. but I dunno if the damn company will give out the salary on time... Mostly is on friday OR saturday..
Ar.. early in the morning went to Expo with Song ho to attend a xmas party, or I should said a gathering ba, cause it org by City Havest Church.. So you can image all the ppl there is mostly christian... Wow, alot of ppl lor.. Expo leh.. First preformance is singing some xmas songs as usual n some christian song.. Although I am not a christian, I still sing it with respect.. After tat, is a short play by the church members. For all the preformances, I like this part cause the play was touching n funny.. really funny.. Stay until 12pm++ den went home..
Oh man, I saw 1.5 liters of diet coke in valu$ for just $1.05!!! wat the hell... new stock is coming in each day.. oh man oh man.. haha..
Many of my friends going to quit valu$ le.. haiyo, going to miss them.. working with them for so long le, den they quit, sure miss de lor... 2moro is xmas eve le.. cool, den the bad part is.. well, I wan to buy a PSP for myself this xmas, but dun have the type I wan.. Aiyo, bo bian.. think this xmas I empty handed lor.. hehe..
Most ppl will go out celebrate ba during the xmas, but I still have to work sia.. although is 6pm-10pm, is still work.. haiyo.. dun like to go out lor, wan to sleep... hehe..
2 more days will be xmas day le.. dunno how to celebrate, dun even know wan to celebrate or not.. Although today nv work, went to valu$ to take my salary. Finally ar, they willing to pay us.. Hope they dun delay our next pay next week..
Went to jie house yesterday afternoon to teach her how to do e-learning. Saw her room, as normal.. lol.. no lar, change a bit.. more space I think.. She also went to my house cause I going out to take my salary.. Think she is the first poly friends who step into my new house ba.. ha, she live the nearest..
Damn damn damn.. New boss ar, u wan to fool us part timer no need to do until like tat ma.. I said "FOOL" mean the way this damn company giving out salary. First said give cheque, den today I heard they will gave cash.. Cause today nv withdraw, so nv get pay.. What the FUCK is tat?? we part timer work hard for this company, even valu$ was taken by another company, we part timer also work as normal... really hope this event will not happen again.. we work, u give us our pay, tat wat part timer or full timer wan...
Haiyo, I hate our new valu$ salary system.. give cheque leh, eeeee... still need to deposits, den cannot use straight away.. haiyo haiyo..
Just finish some e-learning assignments.. 2moro think can finish all ba.. hehe.. brought some cup mee mee from valu$, new one.. tried le, very nice..
I am alone,
so very alone
I hurt,
so very bad
I am ignored,
just thrown aside
I am security,
for others to have
I am lonely,
there is no one close,
no one sees the pain
I cry,
hope is gone
I am alone,
and no one knows
Today worked 2pm - 10pm. I hardly ate anything for break. Well, I wan to save more money for xmas present, hehe.. Ar, even now typing the blog still feel uneasy.. hungry... !!!!!
Found another picture on Maeda Aki. Actually she is one of the actress on Battle Royal. Cool....
Well well well... term test finally over le.. hehe.. Ar, after a week of hard work (dunno i got make any effort on this term test or not, lol) I can finally rest n play le.. Brought quite a lot of PS2 games, so wan to spend time playing it..
Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth
Seven Samurai 20XX
Yu Yu Yakusho: Dark Tournament
Winamp playing radom now.. Happen to play the anime series, boy be one of the songs, Daijoubu by Maeda Aki. Ar, tok about anime, I long time nv go buy some n watch le.. find one time go see see..
Maeda Aki in her Yukata!!! I found this is the cutest... Kawaiii!!!
2moro term test lor.. 2 papers leh.. I also kenna warning letter.. Attendance fall below 85%.. lol.. ya lar, i admit.. these few weeks i skipped some lessons... guess wat action i did, will cum back to me ba.. hehe.. now i got the lesson le, must learn from it lor..
Haiyo, today worked 10am - 10pm... FULL leh!!! I long time nv work full le.. hehe.. but today i was like staying in an area.. Been tapping 5 for $1.05 for the past dunno how many hours... 3-4 hours?? i dunno.. kao, so many sia.. All right, 2moro test liao.. go go go!!!!
Today went to play the competition at jurong point.. Hehe, I won 2nd price. From 16 players, I won the 2nd price, is quite a reward for me.. The final was so close, the last turn my rival overtake me.. Well, can say no enough skill ba.. hehe.. Anyway I have lot of fun..
NO cheating.. I am watching....
Ar, a hard turn!!!
I will catch you!!!!
The result is out!!!
Liao, I failed my Basic again... sian de leh, fail twice le.. keep on failing can forget about driving car le.. lol.. Anyway, I book another try on the 19th Jan.. Wish me luck!!!
Parents away for 2 days le, hope they having fun ba.. Heard tat I will be become jobless soon cause new manager wan to change abit on the valu$ system.. I dunno if this is true or not, but since I am a part timer, still ok for me ba.. At the most, I spend less, save more.. hehe.. Been control myself not to spend too much in school le.. Really hope to see some result on the coming xmas day cause I really wan to buy tat 'thing' !!! If i buy it, all my suffering is worth it.. so go go go!!! jia you!!!
Just finish watching The Chinese Ghost Story II.. Haha, very lame n funny.. but touching.. actually is contiune the first movie, tat this guy love a female ghost.. Now tat this female ghost had went to become human, this guy contiune his quest on searching the reborn female ghost, hope to be together.. On the way, demon n ghost kept coming, so plus some action into it.. quite cool.. touching part is tat on part II, there is a gal who look like the female ghost (Actually is totally same cause same actress) the guy actually still thinking about her female ghost, therefore touch the gal.. How tat guy remember the female ghost?? he always carry a drawing of the ghost, with some poem on it..
TMD, TMD, TTMMMMDDDD!!!!! TA MA DE!!!!! wa liao, I brought the DVD-ROM, den cannot use cause yesterday I install the drive le, PC become very very de lag.. lag like hell.. so read the spec, PC need P4, den RAM must be 218MB n above.. But just now I check, chey.. My RAM suddenly drop to 32MB only!!! WTH!!! Den double check again, my RAM nv install properly.. Now ok le, DVD-ROM den use le, but still a bit bit lag lar.. but I will still wan to upgrade my PC.. hehe.. in school, check the price from cyberactive, $800++ leh..
Thought can go Japan end of 2nd year, kao... got attachment to do lar.. liao oie... Think need to call aunts tat I will not be able to go le..
Ar.. today a lot lot stocks cuming in, cause now valu$ is under another company le.. Sigh, new company meaning new stocks, but new stocks meaning I can buy new things ma.. Coke 1.5 lites just 90 cents, haha.. damn cheap.. den now drinks got many chooses.. gd gd.. but too bad no bread liao, sigh.. got lot of new snacks.. hehe..
Lol, tat Mr Miak was so funny.. Wan wan was carrying the hammer for geomatics, den tat guy said, he ar.. Billy wan to fei li her.. wa liao, I nv do anything den he said me like tat.. he a funniest lecturer I saw, wat a cute little old man.. lol..
Today i nv work de, cause now every monday n thursday cannot work, den Boss set me today got work.. bo bian, den I go lor.. However today is like packing n packing N MORE PACKING cause valu$ change a new Big Boss from another company, call the D & D.. they taken over our current boss le, so now most of the stuff must return to the supplier.. Hey, wen u all free, cum take a look on the new valu$ shop in Jurong point.. a lot different.. (I guess other outlets will be the same, big changes) Hope this changes will not effect my work ba.. DUN FIRE ME BA!!! I still have lot of thing I wan to buy di!!!
Later school is 8am - 5pm leh.. kao, CECOM make up class leh.. den after tat go work, 6pm - 10pm!! hoooo, faint.. no time play my game.. all I can do is sleep, SLEEP N MORE SLEEP!!!
Left another 1 week den my competition start.. hehe, my first arcade competition, actually I am abit scare n shy lar.. hehe.. but anyway, I go there just to have fun!! After tat, I wouldn't be going to arcade tat much le, brought so many PS2 games, so wan to stay at home playing, or else waste di... (Help me save money leh.. hehe)
I was listening to Final Fantasy 8 Soundtrack these days (dunno y random selection like to choose tat song?? funny..) Den I started to look for some pictures on tat game series.. Suddenly winamp play one of the soundtrack, The Man With A Machine Gun, hehe.. one of my favourite song, so went to search for Laguna (One of the game characters) Picture..